Friday, August 23, 2013

Morning/Night Face Routine

Face Routine

At the moment my latest beauty routine involves quite a simple face routine actually. I have used many products over the years but lately I have noticed that the simpler the ingredients (or rather more natural) the better the result. One of my girlfriends is into products that are closer to nature and don't contain too many chemicals and such, so I do get inspired by that but she may not agree with my cleansing face wash...but oh well!

Ok so I got super excited when I walked into my local Priceline store and discovered that their new product was something that was close to my current obsession - it was Ponds, Flawless White range. I have been using the facial foam every night in the shower using a soft face brush.

 (Now just to clear something up, just like fair skin people like to get tanned skinned, dark skinned people like to get lighter skin (mostly in Asian countries where white skinned is viewed as beautiful) - I have olive skin with a yellow undertone but since finishing high school and staying indoors I have gone much lighter (not as transparent as some of my girlfriends though lol) - what my main goal is is to have even skin tone which would be easy if I just got a slight tan! but I like that image of snow white skin.)

I get pimples all the time witch is super annoying, expectantly when you have no freckles to hid them a keep them at bay I use Eureka Eucalyptus Oil - you have to dilute it with water so at the moment I use Swisspers Makeup Pads and add equal oil and water then wipe over your face.

In the morning I use Dr Dickerson's Witch hazel as a toner, calms the pores, cleans the face and prepares the skin for make up, I just use another pad and wipe over the face.

1 comment:

  1. Every time i see Ponds i think Madmen lol... i do love witch hazel though and i have used tea tree oil that way you have used Eucalyptus oil when i have acne or actually diluted a bit more it was great as a light antiseptic wipe for nappy rash before putting on the cream, cleared it up real quick! just as a side note


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